ANGELA & ROI was founded by this lovely couple Angela Lee and Roi Lee. They ensure charity by selling Handbags for a major cause CANCER. Angels & Roi not only provide you with impeccable handbags but also work by donating to the few organizations on every purchase of the handbag. Their handbags are composed of High quality vegan leather and durable fabrics which creates a sturdy and long lasting impression. Handbags are available in TOTE, SHOULDER and CROSS BODY bags.
Every handbag has its own special color with special cause like Red for AIDS/HIV , Pink for BREAST CANCER, Purple for ALZHEIMER'S , Orange for KIDNEY DISEASE, Yellow for CHILD CANCER, Green for ANXIETY, Blue for COLON CANCER, Grey for DIABETES, White for LUNG CANCER, Black for MELANOMA, Brown for CANCER. Each cause has its own leather ribbon signifying the disease.
ANGELA & ROI donate to many organizations but to name a few are American Childhood Cancer Organization ( ACCO), Lung Cancer Alliance, The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) , The Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. ,Diabetes Hands Foundation, The Anxiety and Depression Association of America ( ADAA ) ,AIDS Foundation of Chicago, The National Kidney Foundation,The Ellie Fund and Prevent Cancer Foundation.
You can work for a great cause by helping those people suffering from various disease by purchasing these beautiful bags . It will be a great service for a major cause as you don't have to compromise with your style.
Follow my blog with BloglovinEvery handbag has its own special color with special cause like Red for AIDS/HIV , Pink for BREAST CANCER, Purple for ALZHEIMER'S , Orange for KIDNEY DISEASE, Yellow for CHILD CANCER, Green for ANXIETY, Blue for COLON CANCER, Grey for DIABETES, White for LUNG CANCER, Black for MELANOMA, Brown for CANCER. Each cause has its own leather ribbon signifying the disease.
ANGELA & ROI donate to many organizations but to name a few are American Childhood Cancer Organization ( ACCO), Lung Cancer Alliance, The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) , The Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. ,Diabetes Hands Foundation, The Anxiety and Depression Association of America ( ADAA ) ,AIDS Foundation of Chicago, The National Kidney Foundation,The Ellie Fund and Prevent Cancer Foundation.
You can work for a great cause by helping those people suffering from various disease by purchasing these beautiful bags . It will be a great service for a major cause as you don't have to compromise with your style.